Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Transfer Today!!!!

I just got the call; I have to go in this afternoon for embryo transfer! I still don't have a very clear idea of how many fertilized....I was simply told that there are 2 leading, and they cannot wait until tomorrow! I suppose I will find out a little more when I see the RE this afternoon. I am really hoping I will have some to freeze this time!!!!
So here begins the way; what are your thoughts on bedrest? Necessary or not?


Anonymous said...

I came across your blog and read about your medical condition. I have a prolactinoma, hyperparathyroidism and thyroitoxicosis and recently found a lump of somekind on my pancreas. Most of the problems are secondary and caused by the primary one of the pituitary problem. However, I am trying to research to get some insight to prolem that may be encountered with the IVF, induced hyper ovulation and so forth women with a prolactinoma may face. You advice from your own experiences would be appreciated? I understand everyone medically is different, but your own feedback would at least enable me to gauge what to expect if I do go for IVF.

Anonymous said...

Please email me at